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Follow This Guide To Fix Brother Printer Offline On Windows 10

You have an urgent job and you need the highest quality Brother printer to print it, but as soon as you give it the Printer command, it shows "Brother printer is offline".

OMG! That is a really explosive situation and anyone can be irritated by this. But let us tell you that it is a very common problem and several Brother Printer users have complained about the same thing.

The printer may go offline due to different conditions due to power and connectivity issues. Brother printer offline errors can occur due to printer overload or there could be a problem with the printer software or perhaps the loose connection is the reason behind the problem. Problems can occur at any time, and only critical evaluation can help you identify the real reason behind the problem. Brother printers are very sensitive devices, so every time a slight deviation occurs in the power supply, the Brother printer offline on windows 10 message is displayed.

But that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. In this guide, we will provide you with all the necessary steps so that you can solve the problem yourself.

Printers are so sensitive and a small problem can seriously damage your printer. Therefore, you should be very careful when using printers.

broken image

Later on, let's know how to deal with Brother Printer issues going offline

Turn on your Brother printer

Let's start with the basics, so before going into more detail, first, check if the printer is ON or not.

If the printer is ON and the printer screen is still blank, then there is a chance that the printer is in sleep mode and needs to wake up. Fix Brother printer offline on windows 10 is not easy for all. Even after waking up the printer from sleep mode, if you find that it still does not turn on, check if the ink cartridge and if there is any piece of paper accidentally jammed inside the printer. You must have to solve this problem to turn on the printer.

Make sure the printer is connected to the PC

Check if the USB cable is properly connected to the computer and the printer. Other than that, you need to use a good quality USB cable. Therefore, if the USB cable is of poor quality or is damaged, replace it immediately.

In case you have connected your printer with an Ethernet cable to the router, please check whether it is connecting properly or not.

In case you are using a wireless connection, it would be better if you check the IP address from the network configuration page.

If the Brother Printer Goes Offline problem remains the same, you can proceed to the next troubleshooting method.

The printer should be set to default

Check if the Brother printer is set to the default printer or not. To verify the same, you need to go to the Printers folder and then check if it has a checkmark on the icon or not.

Let's see the steps to do the same in Windows 8 and higher versions

  • Press the windows and R keys together.

  • You will see a small RUN window in the corner of the screen with a box inside.

  • In the run box just type "control" and hit the enter key

  • You will see the control panel then.

  • Click on "Hardware and Sound" and then select "Devices and Printers"

  • Then click on the Brother Printer icon.


Hopefully, these troubleshooting solutions will fix the Brother printer goes offline issue. But, if you still have doubts, you should contact the printer expert to get a reliable solution to fix the error.